Our Learning Gallery

We have had a fantastic start to year 3 - and already thoroughly enjoying our new topics!
RE - We have started our topic 'People of God' by digging deeper into the story of Noah. Year 3 reenacted the story, understanding the idea of a covenant and responsibilities Christians have as people of God.
Art - Sculpture;
Year 3 have linked their History topic of the Stone Age to their current art topic. We have started by practising using a range of tools, to create marks and shapes in clay.
Science - Animals including humans;
Year 3 have been looking at what a balanced diet looks like - this has involved discussing what animals eat as well as humans. Following this, we found out which animals were vertebrates and invertebrates.  
PSHE - Friendship;
To start our new topic we discussed why friendship was important and what they value as important in their own friendships. 
Science -
Following our learning on 'our skeleton' and its functions;
support, protection and movement
- year 3 made their own skeleton puppets.
English - UG
We have loved our topic on UG - The Stone Age Boy. Year 3 have produced fantastic Stone Age menus, persuasive writing and comic strips. 
Commando Joe's
What a fantastic start to our Commando Joe's missions. Year 3 are learning all about Ed Stafford and his journey, walking the length of the Amazon River. Today we took part in fitness training in preparation for the mission ahead and packed effectively the right equipment to support the success of the mission. 
To complete our Commando Joe's topic, year 3 had to move through camp in total darkness - relying on their team for support.
We also had a fantastic trip down to our own local river  - to sketch the river, look at its features and make comparisons to the Amazon River.
Geography - Water Cycle
We have been learning all about the water cycle as part of our topic 'Clouds to Coast'. As part of this we have done an investigation to see how evaporation takes place.
RE - We wrote some Christmas prayers today in RE, to be added to our whole school prayer tree 
Science- Fossils
Today in science we organsied different types of fossils into two groups; plant fossils and animal fossils - this will help us with our work next week on fossil formation. 
RE - We had a fantastic visit to the Sikh Gurdwara. Year 3 got to share their knowledge and learn first hand what it is like to be a Sikh in Britain today.
We had a lovely day celebrating rainbow day - year 3 looked at gender stereotypes and we completed a variety of activities around this theme:
-Dragons Den - design and make a pitch for £500 for a new toy design
-Mindfulness session - watching a powerpoint and a moment of meditation 
-Gender stereotypes in books - who is the villain? Create a wanted poster
PSHE - Families
This week we looked at caring families - year 3 have been discussing positive experiences they have with their family and how we care for one another - they then made a paper chain of all of their thoughts. 
Before writing our diary entry, year 3 took part in a hot seating activity - getting into the character of the old man in our story. 
Computing - Graphing
This half term, year 3 have been gathering data form other pupils in the class about a chosen topic. They then input the data onto graphs and chose which they thought was the best one to present their information. 
STEM -Science
Today we investigated which magnet was the strongest - this helped year 3 select their magnet that they will use in their Star Wars diorama.