Our learning gallery and special events

Today we had a very unexpected surprise- two frozen eggs discovered in The Hub!
The children decided it was very important to free whatever was inside the eggs as ‘the baby creatures will be so cold, we need to warm them up.’
We spent a few minutes thinking about how we could do this. our initial idea of smashing them on the table was quickly discarded as we were worried about hurting whatever was inside. 

We had 2 great suggestions, “use warm water to melt the ice” and “wrap them in a blanket to warm them up.”
Since we had 2 eggs, we decided we could investigate both ways. Sorting ourselves quickly into teams, we sprang in to action to collect the things we needed for our rescue mission. Trays, cups, warm water, felt, tissue paper, scissors and sellotape were efficiently used to put our ideas to the test. 

The warm water quickly melted the ice and revealed a baby triceratops. This led the other group to hug their wrapped egg in close to speed up the warming and melting process. When they “couldn’t feel” their ice egg getting smaller, they decided to cut it free to check. 
The felt was wet which they decided must mean that it had melted a bit, but still their egg was still frozen solid. The group decided to change tactic and use the warm water too as it had proven so successful on the first egg. Demonstrating great team work, they quickly freed the second baby triceratops, wrapping it up in tissue paper to “warm it up nicely.”
Safer Internet Day
Today, Buddy the dog helped us to learn about using the internet safely and what to do if we are worried.
We explored different online platforms such as phones, tablets and games consoles. 
We made our own tablets with child safe apps, played age appropriate games on our iPads and coloured posters to display around school to remind us how to be safe. 

Wow- what an exciting start to our STEM fortnight. We followed the dinosaur footprints through into class to discover a mystery bag. Who did the bag belong to? Where did it come from? What could be inside? 
We didn’t have to wait very long as our surprise visitor Hannah came in to share all of her exciting knowledge with us from her career in geology. 
She shared with us lots of exciting fossils, giving us time to wonder what kind of fossil it was- the half hidden tooth was a particular favourite.

We then used her fossils to create our own salt dough fossils. We will let them dry and then paint them if we choose.

Thank you so much Hannah, we had a great time.

Exploring our dinosaur topic by examining fossils and rocks in our dinosaur museum and making our own fossil footprints using clay. We loved challenging our friends to identify which dinosaur made the tracks, it was lots of fun. 
We made lard ball bird feeders during Forest School to help look after our local birds during these chilly winter months. 
We are enjoying writing words using the sounds we have learned.
Today our friends at the real dinosaur museum have left us a very exciting task! When we came in from lunch we were very puzzled as to why there were trays of sand on our tables.
 On the board a message had been left for us, explaining that the palaeontologists and geologists were so busy on a big dig that they weren’t going to get through all of their jobs. They reached out and asked for our help to carefully sift through the sand to see if we could uncover any special treasures! They kindly left us some fossil photographs for support and brushes to dust off our findings. 
The excitement levels were incredibly high when we were given this task, but our concentration levels matched it equally. We began at 1:25pm and didn’t finish our final piece until 2:45 when we had to tidy up for home! Amazing!! 
Through our careful investigations we found fossils, dinosaur bones and lots of interesting rocks. 
Jude was very concerned that he might not be able to see all of the fossil imprint properly, so we then decided to set up a quick washing station next to the sink- what a great idea Jude, we could see our discoveries so much better when they were clean. 
We all had the best time.
Danny’s grandma made green gloopy stew, which we thought sounded awful- almost as bad as her broccoli cake! 
Therefore, we decided to head outside and make something for the dinosaur that was much tastier. We added soil, leaves, twigs and berries- yum yum!
”The dinosaur is a herbivore, so we can’t give him any meat,” Maddie informed me.
Threading bird feeders to hang in forest school to keep our local birds full during winter.
We were excited to learn about and make our own Christingles. If you ask us, I wonder what we could tell you about them?
We love our maths sessions. Practical tasks and challenges help us to learn so well. We love to share with others what we have learned.
We don’t just use pencils to write with- today we practiced our letter formation in porridge oats!
We love our weekly music sessions with Mr Reed. Today, we explored the instruments in the mystery bag. We explored how to play them quietly and loudly. We also learned how to play them to accompany our song. We had such good fun.
During PE today we explored moving safely around the hall, moving within our own space and how to travel across the bench safely. We were very careful and demonstrated great listening to help us be successful in our tasks.