KS2 Christmas Performance

12th December 2023

Dear Families,

We are looking forward to welcoming you into school for your child's Christmas Performance.  KS2 (Yr3&Yr4) performance will be on Tuesday 12th December at 1.30pm.  This year the children will perform "The Inn-Spectors".

Each child has been allocated two adult tickets. If a child has parents who are no longer together, they will be allocated four adult tickets to make sure everyone is welcome.  There will be no paper tickets - you will be given a seat when you arrive.  Please come to the school office for 1.20pm, thank you.

Raffle tickets will be on sale, £1 per strip for the opportunity to win either the Blue or Red hamper.

It will be a memorable afternoon and the staff team are so looking forward to sharing the wonderful talents of your children.

Kind regards

KS2 staff team