Science at Corbridge First

At Corbridge First, our provision is designed to develop a lifelong curiosity and interest in the sciences in all young learners. We aim to develop pupils natural excitement and inspire them to explore their scientific enquiry now and throughout their life. 
When planning for the science curriculum, we intend for pupils to have as many opportunities as possible to learn through a variety of scientific investigations. This will help equip them with with the tools to find out more about the world in which they live. As pupils progress through school, they will build upon and deepen their skills in working scientifically, scientific knowledge and become more competent and familiar in planning and carrying out fair and comparative tests. Pupils will learn how to make predictions, ask questions, investigate and explain through their scientific study. 

When designing our curriculum, we have sought to focus on 3 main areas:

  • Knowledge: What do we want our children to learn and remember? How should we sequence the learning in order to ensure progression? Develop scientific knowledge and conceptual understanding through the specific disciplines of Biology, Chemistry and Physics.
  • Concepts: Develop understanding of the nature, processes and methods of Science through different types of science enquiries. We have planned units to embed and cover each area of the national curriculum.
  • Skills: How will we teach our children to become effective participants of the world? What skills do they need to learn to understand the content? Develop the essential scientific enquiry skills to deepen their knowledge and engage in life-long science.