Family Quiz Night - Friday 27 January 2017

27th January 2017
Dear Parents and Carers 
Family Quiz Night - Friday 27 January - 6.00-7.30pm 
Put on your thinking caps and join us for a fun family quiz evening in the school hall this Friday.  We are delighted that Mr Oliver Fowler, one of our parents, has agreed to act as our quiz master.  
Teams can consist of up to 6 players and tickets for this event are £10 per team (including refreshments).    See the attached flyer for more details.  To purchase a ticket for your team please complete and return the reply slip on the flyer by 9.00am on Friday 27 January.  The children have been given a printed copy to bring home today.
There will be prizes for each quiz round as well as a prize for the overall winning team.  
We are looking forward to a fun evening - I hope you can join us. 
Yours sincerely 
Miss J Ainsley
Head Teacher