KS1 & KS2 Cricket Tournament

13th June 2023

On Tuesday 13th June, all of the children from Years 1, 2, 3 and 4 will be taking part in a cricket tournament at Corbridge Cricket Club! This will be such a wonderful opportunity for them to experience playing on a real pitch with their friends from Broomhaugh First School.

  • Key Stage 1 children will be walking to the club in the morning at 9.30am and returning to school for lunch as normal. 
  • Key stage 2 children will walk to the club after lunch at 12noon and return for the end of the day and normal pick-up.

The children will need their PE kit in school to change into on the day with outdoor trainers. They will also need a labelled water bottle, sun hat and sun cream as well as a coat in the event of bad weather. We are hoping for sun but can never be too sure!