Nursery Graduation Assembly

13th July 2016

Dear Parents and Carers


Nursery Graduation Assembly – Wednesday 13 July 2016


The children have been practising their singing all week and we are all really looking forward to welcoming you to their graduation assembly.  The children will sing a selection of their pirate songs before they receive their graduation certificates. 


The assembly will start at 9.10am – please come into school via the office once you have dropped your child off in nursery. 


At the assembly, there will be an opportunity to purchase your child’s graduation cap and photograph as detailed below – I hope you agree that they will make a treasured memory for you to keep.


            Graduation cap                                                          £6.00

            Individual photo of your child in their graduation cap       £2.00


The items can be purchased individually at the costs detailed or pay £7.50 for the cap, photograph and certificate. 


Payment can be made in cash or by cheque (payable to NCC) on the day of the assembly.


We look forward to seeing you.


Yours sincerely


Miss Jennifer Ainsley

Head Teacher