Reception Graduation and EYFS Sports Day

19th July 2023

Reception Graduation Assembly - Wednesday 19th July 

The children are just starting to practise for their graduation assembly.  We are all really looking forward to welcoming you to this event.  The children will be performing some special songs, so have your tissues ready!  

Assembly will start at 9.15am, please come to the school office after drop off.  There will be 2 adults per child to attend, if you do require any other family members to attend, please let the office know, so we can accommodate you.

They will also be receiving their graduation certificates.

At the assembly, there will be an opportunity to purchase your child's graduation photograph - I hope you agree that it will make a treasured memory for you to keep.  A framed photo of your child in their graduation gown and cap is £3.50.  Please bring the correct money on the day.  You will be asked just to leave your money and take your child's photograph.

Sports day will follow after the graduation, tea and coffee will be available while the children are getting changed.

EYFS Sports Day

This year our EYFS Sports Morning (weather permitting) will be held on Wednesday 19th July. We would like to invite you to join us at 10.30am. The event will last for approximately 1 hour.

The children will have the opportunity to take part in a series of sporting events.

Reception:- Sports day will follow after graduation

Nursery:- Children can come dressed to nursery in their sports clothes.  Please come to the main gates for 10.30am.

We will be holding a tombola stall on the day, if you are able to donate to our tombola, please hand into EYFS staff or the school office by Friday 14th July.

There will also be a secondhand book stall on the day too.