Year 4 - Beamish

22nd June 2021

Year 4 will be visiting Beamish Tuesday 22 June.

They will be leaving school at 9am by coach and returning to school for 4pm.

Please note return time is later than our normal end of school day.

Please pick your child up from their classroom door at 4pm.

The children will require:

  • A packed lunch for the day and a water bottle.
  • A backpack for carrying their lunch and water bottle.
  • A waterproof jacket,
  • Sun hat and sun cream (which should also be applied before school)

Preparation for all weathers!

All children should wear their school uniform, with comfortable, safe shoes for walking and play (trainers can be worn).

No money is required for the day, as the children will not be visiting the gift shop.

The children will have a fun day, with a learning activity experience in a Victorian classroom.

If you have any questions, please see Mr Carr or Mrs Orrick.