Autumn Term: Owl Babies

Thank you so much for supporting your children in making their fabulous road safety hats! They looked amazing as always and were a great discussion point throughout the day!
Our road safety walk went ahead despite the weather trying to stop it! We spotted the road signs and explained what they meant to our grown ups who helped! We remembered that triangular signs give a warning and circular signs give an instruction! Brilliant recall from all of our children. Thanks once again to our parent volunteers for supporting!
Remembrance Day was well and truly celebrated in EYFS with the children making poppies using a range of resources. We even made purple poppies to remember the animals who serve to keep us safe. We held our own 2 minute's silence where the children showed very high levels of respect.
Owl Babies will be our key text this half term. The children will read it, listen to it and watch it before reciting it themselves and then using it as a basis for their writing this half term! It's going to be a busy one so keep checking on here, parentmail and their tapestry accounts for updates!