Reception - Visit to Belsay Castle

19th May 2022

Dear Families,

Our topic this half term is castles.  To enhance the children's learning we will be visiting Belsay Hall, Castle and Gardens.  Throughout the day children will have the opportunity to:

  1. Explore the castle and gardens 
  2. Learn facts about the castle
  3. Complete a range of activities
For our visit we will need 2 parent volunteers.  If you are able to help please contact Mrs Steele.
The children are to wear their school jumper/polo shirt, with tracksuit bottoms/leggings and suitable shoes.  Children will need to bring a packed lunch for the day. Please ensure that they have a waterproof jacket and have sunscreen applied before school. Preparation for all weathers!

Please contact school if you have any further questions.

The cost of the trip will be £12.00 per child.  Payment will be sent through parentmail pay.

Kind regards

Mrs Errington